If aphids, bugs, caterpillars, heliothis, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, thrips or army worm are a problem in your garden... Grub Guard is the answer! The easy spray-on applicator means you don't need to handle any granulated chemicals or poisons, or endanger breathing in any residue dusts.
Grub Guard can be used after an attack of pests, or as a preventative treatment against lawn grubs, because it's currently the only product on the market kills lawn grub larva. It contains the active ingredient Esfenvelerate, which is a broad-spectrum insecticide that is toxic to most insects, but less toxic to birds, and of minimal toxicity to mammals.
With yards at Brookvale and Taren Point, our landscaping and building products can be delivered throughout greater Sydney including Sutherland Shire, Eastern Suburbs, Western Suburbs, Northern Beaches, and beyond. Loose products such as mulch, soil, sand and pebbles can be tipped or delivered in bulk bags. Secure your delivery time as you check out.
Still not sure? For more information see the following Turf Guide.
Price per item: $45.00 $43.88Save $1.13!